Meet the

Alasdair Thomas
Alasdair is a specialist in the treatment of the shoulder, hip, knee, sports injuries and fractures.
Alasdair attended the University of Manchester in England and graduated in 1999. He has undergone formal training in Orthopaedic Surgery in both England and Australia and holds Fellowships in Orthopaedics from both the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons. He has undergone further sub specialty training in surgery of the Shoulder, Knee, Hip and Fractures. He has lived and worked in Shepparton since 2017.
Alasdair has been committed to delivering high quality medical education and training throughout his career. He is currently an Instructor on the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Early Management of Severe Trauma (EMST) Course and an Honorary Clinical Tutor with the Rural Clinical School of the University of Melbourne.
Alasdair is a keen sportsman playing competitive hockey until 2004 and since then enjoying various sports including running, cycling and swimming, golf and windsurfing. Currently he is training and competing in triathlons and other Endurance events.
Qualifications and Memberships:
- Fellowship of the Australian Orthopaedic Association, FAORTHA ;
- Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, FRACS;
- Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, FRCSEd (Tr & Orth);
- Diploma in Muskoskeletal Medicine, Flinders University Australia;
- Member of AO Trauma;
- Member of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.
Please note that Alasdair will not see:
- Public Patients at Shepparton Private. Alasdair sees Public Patients at Goulburn Valley Health in his public appointment;
- Spine Conditions.

Ian J Critchley
B.Sc.; M.B.Ch.B.; F.R.C.S.(Ed); F.R.A.C.S.; F.A.Orth.A
Ian specialises in joint replacement surgery of the hip, knee and shoulder. He also performs hand/finger surgery for joint repair and/or replacement.
Ian has been an established Orthopaedic Surgeon in the Goulburn Valley Region both publicly and privately for many years. Ian consults at the following locations:
- Privately at his private rooms at the Shepparton Private Hospital
- Publicly at the Specialist Consulting Suites at GV Health
Please note that Ian will not see:
- Public Patients at Shepparton Private;
- Spine Conditions.